Empowering women and leading change – Sandhya Thakur, Founder and CEO of Team Multipliers


The past two years have been a roller coaster for the influencer industry. First came the pandemic that shut a lot of doors and avenues of profits and then came the blanket ban on a lot of Chinese platforms that were used by influencers. It was indeed a tough space and time for influencers in India.

But located in Delhi, Team Multipliers spearheaded by Founder & CEO Sandhya Thakur was not going to let these circumstances bring her network down. She got to work. As soon as the pandemic struck in March 2020, she started researching other avenues through which influencers associated with her can flourish and thrive in the longer run. She got all of them to start posting consistent content and collaborate with brands to improve their online presence and clientèle base. She got her foot on the ground and herself led negotiations on behalf of the influencer network.

Talking about the pandemic, Sandhya Thakur remarks, “It was a jolt to us. We were working normally and one day everything shut down. But in a way, it taught us to be resilient. After all, the essence of the influencer industry is adapting to change quickly. We did it. Team Multipliers was always coordinating with all our influencers and collaborated with them efficiently to help them navigate these tough waters!”

But all was not well so soon. The influencer industry was just recovering from the wave of the pandemic when the Indian government announced a ban on major entertainment platforms that were a source of heavy revenue and audience for the influencers. Tiktok and other popular platforms were banned. Team Multipliers was in action again and after rigorous research, the team with the help of their CEO, Sandhya Thakur helped and guided influencers to take up other platforms such as Moj, MX TakaTak, Tikki, Triller, and Roposo. It was uncharted territory but Team Multipliers helped influencers understand these new platforms and the curated detailed content strategies for them to sustain themselves.

Founder and CEO of Team Multipliers, Sandhya Thakur remarks, We were taken aback when this ban took place but we respect the decision of the Indian government and went to the drawing board again. I think it is not about the platform, it is more about timing and content placement, and the marketing of it. So as long as you are able to draw an audience to your content, the platform should not be your worry. This belief led me to help influencers explore other platforms and guide them. It was a new enriching experience altogether!”

Sandhya Thakur is paving a new path for influencers every day. She lives and breathes her ethics of empowering women and provides employment and opportunities for growth to many acid attack victims and others as well. Her idea is to grow and help grow. Her team is ever-expanding and is full of creative leads and change-makers.

Sandhya Thakur regularly documents her life and work and can be followed on Instagram at https://instagram.com/iamsandhyathakur?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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