Universal Merit Awards 2024 to be Held in Colombo, by the Allso Group of India


Colombo, Sri Lanka – On August 7, 2024, the BMICH International Convention Center in Colombo will host the prestigious Universal Merit Awards 2024. The event, which celebrates outstanding achievements across various fields, will see participation from eminent personalities hailing from 12 different countries.

The entire program is under the able direction of renowned Bollywood filmmaker Dushyant Pratap Singh from India, who expressed his pride and excitement in leading such a grand international event. Singh emphasized that the Universal Merit Awards will bring together distinguished individuals from the film industry, social and cultural sectors, education, and various organizations from both Sri Lanka and India, promising an event of remarkable significance.

The ceremony will be graced by notable guests, including former President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who will serve as the chief guest. The special guest for the evening will be Deputy Speaker of the Sri Lankan Parliament, Ajit Rajapaksa, ensuring high-profile attendance and significant media coverage.

Universal Merit Awards Organized by the Allso Group President Prof. Kartik Rawal. Professor Rawal expressed his enthusiasm for the event, highlighting its importance in recognizing and honoring international talent.

Ashish Kumar Agarwal, Founder and Director of Franchise Batao, is playing a pivotal role as the Executive Producer, while renowned astrologer Praveen Kumar Joshi joins as the co-organizer, ensuring the event’s successful execution. Professor Rawal conveyed his optimism that the Universal Merit Awards will set a new benchmark in celebrating global excellence.

Director Dushyant Pratap Singh further elaborated on the scope of the event, indicating that the participation of prominent figures from diverse fields would elevate the program, fostering cultural exchange and mutual recognition. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to direct such a significant international awards ceremony, anticipating that the Universal Merit Awards 2024 will achieve new heights and garner widespread acclaim.

As the date approaches, preparations are in full swing to ensure a memorable and inspiring event that celebrates talent and dedication from around the world.

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